07977 431141 info@itasupport.co.uk
getting google reviews


Making it simple for your customers

Getting good Google Reviews is so important now as they show Google how good you are at what you do and if you want to rank higher than your competitors, you need to be getting as many as possible on a regular basis.

So, we all know those happy customers will not leave feedback without a prompt and the key thing here is to make it so simple you do not cause them to much inconvenience.

So the service I will provide for you

  • Make the process of asking for a Google Review as simple as possible that works with your GMB listing
  • Create a selection strategy
  • Work out at what point is the review request is done
  • I will provide you with an email template

One last thing,  you need to make sure that your always reply to those reviews and don’t worry if you get the odd negative one it gives some contrast providing they are in a tiny minority.

For just the email template and method just £25.00

For help creating strategies to follow  we will need to discuss your individual requirements

So, its time to get those reviews and beat your competition, fill in the form below or email me and we can arrange a telephone call..







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